Industry Leading Manufacturer of EDM Electrodes Since 1959

Saturn Industries specializes in manufacturing custom graphite EDM electrodes along with graphite fixturing, graphite tooling and molds . We have the ability here at Saturn to take your most basic or complex graphite project and make it come to life. We offer a wide range of the most popular EDM graphite along with industrial grades to be able to offer quick turnaround delivery on your custom orders. Learn more about how Saturn can help solve your graphite machining needs.

Since 1959, Saturn Industries has pioneered new technologies to produce the highest quality electrodes. We inspect each and every electrode for pitch diameter to a tolerance of +/- .002. Saturn Indutries’ tapping electrodes are straighter, have superior pitch diameter control and have better thread form. Click to Learn more or shop online for a variety of Tapping Electrodes in Brass, Copper, Copper Tungsten, and Poco Graphite.

Saturn Industries was the first company dedicated to supplying electrode materials specifically for the EDM industry. We have been manufacturing and supplying the industry with small hole electrodes from day one and this product line has become a Saturn specialty. We offer single and multichannel tubing in copper and brass along with tubing and solid rods in graphite, copper graphite, copper tungsten, tungsten carbide, pure tungsten and molybdenum. Here Saturn we offer both extruded drawn material along with precision ground diameters where we can hold tolerances as close as ±.00002”. Let Saturn be your one stop source for small hole EDM electrodes and supplies.
We provide you with both the best machining and the best service available. In our custom machining, we’re committed to achieving the highest levels of CNC precision, while adhering to the most exacting standards.

Let Saturn Industries be your source for EDM Consumables, Supplies and Replacement Parts.
Precision Machining Services – ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified

Saturn Industries specializes in graphite CNC Surface Grinding Services. We offer all major grades and manufactured graphite including copper graphite. We offer a full range of surface grinding services such as Regrinding, Precision Form and Flat Grinding holding tolerances up to +/-.0001. Saturn Industries offers surface ground Angles, Radii and Flats to print.

Leer specializes in industrial marking, deep engraving and precise cutting applications in both metal and non metal products.

Saturn Industries specializes in Micro EDM to meet the growing demand for precision Micro holes and Micro forms in small and miniature parts.